




如果宿舍申请不上怎么办?这是一个很严肃的问题,大部分同学会选择在校外租房,那么在校外租房需要考虑哪些问题呢?首先大家要注意房租问题,要注意房租的支付月份,有些房子要求付全年12个月房租,有些房子暑假会有一定的房租减免,比如AF Bostäder只要付9个月房租,Helsingbrogshem只要付10个月房租等。还有是否包含水电费和网络费用也是需要考虑的因素。 


另外一个需要考虑的因素的家具和电器问题,瑞典的很多房子都不带家具和电器,在租房时一定要看清楚描述,因为添置家具和电器也是一笔不小的开支。 住房附近的设施也是一个需要考虑的因素。瑞典不像国内外卖那么方便,外食也不便宜,因此住在临近超市的区域会省去很多麻烦。


瑞典大的超市是ICAWillysCoopCity Gross,所以朋友们最好选择住在这几个大超市附近。另外,住房离健身房、公共交通、市中心等的距离也需要考虑。 


Rental charges


The parties arefree to agree on the amount of rent to be paid at the start of the tenancy. Theexception is a prohibition against unreasonably high rental charges; however,it should be noted that the threshold for what is regarded as “unreasonable” inthis context is relatively high.


The Tenant has theright to pay monthly rental charges via a bank. The Lessor cannot demandadvance payment of rental charges for more than one month in advance.


Rental chargesshall be determined at a fixed amount. This means that all costs that theLessor may have in connection with the rental must be included in the rentalcharges.


There are,however, two exceptions to this regulation: In addition to the rental charge,an agreement may be made to pay the Lessor’s costs in connection withelectricity and heating. It may also be agreed that in addition to the rentalcharge, costs related to water and sewage shall be paid, if these are paidaccording to metered consumption. If a water meter is not installed, nocharges may be levied for water and sewage costs.


Additional chargesfor electricity/heating and water/sewage must be agreed in advance. The Tenantcan demand that the Lessor presents an annual account that indicates the totalcosts and distribution of these.


Regulationspertaining to rental charges are contained in the Landlord and Tenant Act, chapter 3.


Adjustments toRental charges


In an ongoingtenancy, there are only two lawful ways to increase the rental charges:


1. Index-linkedincrease in rental charges (Landlord & Tenant Act § 4-2)


2. Bringing intoline with prevailing rent levels (Landlord & Tenant Act § 4-3)


Index-linkedincrease in rental charges The Lessor may increase the rental charges in linewith the consumer price index, maximum once per year. The Lessor must notifythe Tenant of the intended increase at least one month in advance. An increasein rental charges can first be implemented out one year after the originalcontract was signed. In the same manner, the Tenant may also demand acorresponding reduction in rental charges if the consumer price index shouldfall. Bringing into line with prevailing rent levels If the tenancy agreementhas been ongoing for at least 2 1/2 years, the Lessor may demand that therental charges are brought into line with prevailing market rent levels. Theadjustment may, at the earliest, be introduced six months after the Lessor hasgiven written notification of his intent to regulate charges. In other words,the Tenant must have rented the accommodation for at least three years beforethe rental charges can be brought into line with prevailing market rent levels.If the prevailing rental levels are lower than the current rental charge, theTenant can demand that they are adjusted down to the prevailing level.


Prevailing rentlevels are defined as the rental charge for comparable accommodation. Anycomparison shall be with accommodation of a similar size, location, standardetc. And similar terms and conditions, e.g. Termination terms and conditions,duration of contract etc.



A deposit is a sumthat the Tenant, on agreement with the Lessor, furnishes as security for anyoutstanding rental charges and other claims that may arise from the tenancyagreement. The deposit cannot exceed six times the agreed monthly rentalcharge. The Lessor may demand an increase in the deposit in line with any(lawful) increase in the monthly rental charges.


The deposit sumshall be deposited in a designated bank account in the name of the Tenant, andneither the Tenant nor the Lessor can make withdrawals on the account independently.If the Lessor demands that the Tenant shall pay the sum into the Lessor’s ownaccount or that the Tenant shall pay the deposit in cash, the Tenant has theright to refuse.


Bank chargesincurred in setting up the deposit account are Payable by the Lessor. Anyinterest paid on the account shall be paid to the Tenant. When the rentalcontract expires, the deposit is repaid to the Tenant. If the Lessor does notgive consent to the repayment of the deposit, the Tenant must notify the bankin writing of his claim for repayment of the deposit. The bank must then notifythe Lessor in writing of the claim and inform that the sum will be paid to theTenant if the Lessor, within 5 weeks after the notification is received, doesnot document that legal proceedings have been instigated. The Lessor canprovide such documentation by presenting a copy of the Conciliation Complaintor a copy of the complaint to the Rent Disputes Tribunal. If the bank doesnot receive documentation within the deadline, the bank may repay the depositto the Tenant.


If the Lessor hasclaims in regard to the tenancy agreement that he intends to recover from thedeposit, the claim must be notified to the Tenant. If the Tenant does notaccept the claim and requests that the deposit is repaid from the bank, theLessor must instigate proceedings to resolve the dispute.


Proceedings areinstigated by presenting the claim to the Conciliation Board or by raising acomplaint with the Rent Disputes Tribunal.


If the Lessor’sclaim is for outstanding rental charges, the Lessor may present the claimdirectly to the bank. The bank may deduct outstanding rental charges from thedeposit sum, in certain circumstances:


The depositaccount and the account to which the Tenant pays the monthly rental chargesmust be at the same bank.


The Tenant andthe Lessor must have a written agreement that the Tenant shall pay the monthlyrental charges into the Lessor’s account in this bank.


The Lessor mustprovide documentation to the bank of the start and expiry dates of the Tenant’sobligation to pay rental charges.


The bank mustnotify the Tenant if the Lessor demands payment from the deposit account foroutstanding rental charges. If the Tenant, for example, believes that he isentitled to demand a reduction on the rental charges, and this is the reasonfor non-payment, the Tenant must provide documentation to the bank that he hasinstigated claim proceedings. If the bank does not receive such documentationwithin 5 weeks after the Tenant has received notification that the Lessor hasdemanded payment of outstanding rental charges, the bank shall pay anyoutstanding rental charges to the Lessor.


Regulationspertaining to deposits are contained in the Landlord & Tenant Act § 3-5.




As an alternative- or in addition to - a deposit, the Tenant and Lessor may agree that theTenant shall furnish a guarantee as security for any claims regardingoutstanding rental charges, damage to property, cancellation expenses or forany other claims arising from the tenancy agreement. The guarantee can, forexample, be furnished by a bank, a private individual (guarantor) or by theSocial Services.


The guaranteeamount cannot, alone, or including the deposit, exceed the sum of six month’srental charge.


Regulationspertaining to guarantees are contained in the Landlord & Tenant Act § 3-6.


Fixed-term orongoing (terminable) tenancy agreements


On entering intoan agreement, the Tenant and Lessor must agree on the type of tenancyagreement.


There are two maintypes of tenancy agreement:


1. Ongoing tenancyagreements

1. 持续的租赁协议

2. Fixed-termtenancy agreements

2. 定期租赁协议

An ongoing (open) tenancy agreement runs indefinitely until one partyterminates the agreement.


A fixed-term tenancy agreement is an agreement that expires on a certaindate, without requiring termination by either the Tenant or the Lessor. TheTenant is obliged to vacate the accommodation at the agreed time.


In the case of afixed-term agreement, the Lessor is obliged to notify that the agreement cannotbe terminated during the fixed agreement period. If this is not notified, theagreement may be terminated within the agreed rental period.


In addition, it ispossible to combine the two types of agreement, by entering into a fixed-termagreement with a right of termination for one or both parties.


The Landlord andTenant Act has invariable regulations concerning minimum periods that regulatethe use of fixed-term agreements. The main rule is that it is not permitted toenter into fixedterm agreements for a period of less than 3 years. The minimumperiod is however, one year if the agreement concerns a loft or basementdwelling or a dwelling in a semi-detached house and the Lessor lives in thesame house.


Exceptions to theregulation regarding minimum periods of three and one year respectively mayapply when the accommodation is to be used as a dwelling by the Lessor himselfor a member of his household. Certain conditions apply, firstly: the Tenant, atthe latest on signing the agreement must be made aware of the reason for thefixed term. Secondly, the Lessor or the member of his household must in actualfact move into the dwelling when the fixed-term agreement expires. If thiscondition is not fulfilled, the Tenant is normally entitled to continue to livein the dwelling.


An exception tothe regulations regarding a minimum period also applies if the Lessor hasanother justifiable reason for a fixedterm agreement. An example of this is ifthe dwelling is to be renovated or sold within a short time.


It is notconsidered a justifiable reason that the Lessor or the Tenant desires a10-month contract, running from August to June, adapted to the academic year,because the Lessor rents out the property to students.


If fixed-termagreements have been signed in conflict with the regulations in the Act, thefixed-term is deemed invalid. The agreement is then considered an ongoingagreement and may be terminated in line with the regulations within the Act,pertaining to termination notice periods.


Regulationspertaining to fixed-term and ongoing agreements are contained in the Landlord &Tenant Act §§ 9-1 to 9-3.




What is a”defect”?


Unless otherwiseagreed, the accommodation and fixtures must be tidied, cleaned and in normalgood condition.


Unless otherwiseagreed, the Tenant may demand that the accommodation shall be of a reasonable,good standard, taking into consideration the age of the property, its location,area etc. If this condition is not fulfilled, the accommodation is said to be“defective” in this context. However, agreement may be reached that theaccommodation is of a lower standard than normal and the Tenant cannot laterclaim as defects issues that he is aware of (or ought to have been aware of).


It is considered adefect if the Lessor provides incorrect information about the accommodation andthis is believed to have influenced the agreement.


If the Lessorfails to inform of issues that he was aware of (or ought to have been awareof), that the Tenant had grounds to believe he should have been notified of,and this is believed to have influenced the agreement, this is also regarded asa defect. An example of this may be that the Lessor fails to inform the Tenantthat heating costs may be abnormally high due to poor insulation.


After the Tenanthas lived in the accommodation for a time, problems may arise that could nothave been discovered earlier and that the Lessor could not have been aware of.This type of “hidden defect” may be the object of various claims, depending onhow serious these are. If it is revealed, for example, that the accommodationhas damp damage or has fungal growth, this may provide grounds for a claim forrepairs or a reduction in charges until the defect is repaired.


If the defect isserious, it may provide grounds for revocation of the agreement.


Claims made as aresult of defects


If defects arefound, the Tenant has the right to demand the following:


Repair of thedefect or


Reduction in therental charges or


Revocation ofthe agreement if the defect is serious


In addition,compensation may be claimed for documented economic losses.


The Tenant mayalso withhold monthly rental charges in order to secure any claims he may haveagainst the Lessor, as a result of the defect.


The regulationsregarding defects are contained in the Landlord and Tenant Act Chapter 2.


If the partiescannot agree on the rental charge that shall apply, e.g. In connection with adispute concerning defects, the tenancy agreement cannot be terminated orrevoked due to outstanding rental charges, if the Tenant deposits the disputedrental charge sum in a restricted account that the Tenant cannot freely utilisewithout the consent of the Lessor.

