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Tiếng Việt

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Tiếng Việt

Tiếng Việt

Gob IQ Paris Gardens, London

Student Accommodation

6 Paris Garden, London SE1 8ND, United Kingdom

Xem khoảng cách tới các trường đại học

ID tài sản: S01591842
Gob IQ Paris Gardens 0
Gob IQ Paris Gardens 1
Gob IQ Paris Gardens 2
Gob IQ Paris Gardens 3
Gob IQ Paris Gardens 4
Ảnh (16)

Thông tin cơ bản

Student Accommodation No Service Fee AY '25 Waitlist Bills included Gym Short lease

Paris Gardens offers modern student rooms and studios in central London, just a 5-minute walk from the River Thames and London Blackfriars train station.


You will find a wide range of student accommodation at Paris Gardens, a central London property located 5 minutes' walk from London Blackfriars train station. This site is well located for London South Bank University and King's College London's Waterloo campus, both within 12 minutes' walk. Many other London universities are easily accessible thanks to the nearby Tube, train and bus links.


Paris Gardens offers a range of social and study facilities, including a gym where you can build yourself up, and a lounge for you to study and socialise with your mates. There are regular events organised by the onsite team and, with close links to our Bankside property just a few minutes away, plenty of people for you to meet.


House rules

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