Please note once your booking is confirmed on Uniplaces, you must proceed transferring the deposit and admin fee to the landlord in order to confirm the check-in.
Landlord will ask the tenant for a valid ID, an education certificate, a French bank account number that can be assigned later and a guarantor living and working in France. If you do not have a physical guarantor, we accept the Garant Me guarantee.
Arrivals and departures only possible Monday through Thursday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm and Friday from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm.
For contracts less than 2 months, the landlord will request only a pre-authorisation of 250€ on Credit card. Also the monthly rent will be 40% more expensive with no admin fees. Furthermore, the tenant can have some occasional guests with no additional cost.
So, if all this sounds good to you, the decision will be easy! This student housing has all the amenities you need for your daily life.